Why I’m a Christian

It seems like most atheists think that people only become Christians because of circumstance or emotion. The most common reasons they give are that Christians believe the Bible because they were raised that way, or because they find it comforting to believe it. While this is unfortunately true of some Christians, neither of those are good reasons to believe anything. The only good reason to believe something is because it’s true.

Some people who recognize the importance of objective truth in most areas put religion in a separate category where “truth” is relative and it’s ok for beliefs to be based on emotion rather than reason. But an adult who believes a religion with no evidence, just because it’s comforting or pleasant, is no better than an adult who believes in Santa Claus.

Fortunately for Christians, there is an abundance of evidence for the truth of Christianity. In fact, most prominent Christian apologists are former atheists. They became Christians because their studies of science, history, and the Bible convinced them that Christianity is the best explanation of the evidence.

I’m a Christian because it’s true, not because it’s easy. Society constantly attacks Christians for our Biblically-based values. If religion was just a matter of what an individual person wanted to believe, I would not be a Christian. The Bible contains hard truths. The easy way is not necessarily the right way. Being a Christian isn’t easy, but I’m convinced that it’s right.


Related Links:
I’m Not A Christian Because It Works for Me (Cold Case Christianity)
Why Are You a Christian? (Stand to Reason)
Truth and Inclusivism (Come Reason)

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